3 thoughts on “I was prepared in advance

  1. I was having a rather difficult day today, and for some reason I remembered your blog and this song.
    My youngest son, 10 year old Cillian, has several chronic rare illnesses which make his life unusually difficult. But this kid is always optimistic and so incredibly happy- I am constantly wondering where this joy comes from. His first hospitalization was at six months old, and his first spinal surgery was the month he turned four. Like you, he showed great aptitude for sports, but due to his illnesses, he has spent a great deal of his childhood indoors, often in bed, and very often in pain. But the kid is always in high spirits.
    As his mama, I am constantly fighting the urge to throw in the towel- advocating, fighting with insurance and hospital systems, demanding accommodations from school, begging teachers to understand he’s not “faking” when he says he needs to go home sick from school, praying CPS doesn’t get involved because he has missed too much school. Sometimes it is all just about too much. Then I see his joy.
    Anyway, I was filling out another appeal to our insurance company and cursing under my breath. Cillian came into my room with a beautiful smile on his face to tell me he had written another story, and would I read it?
    It reminded me of your journey, and this song. Cillian absolutely has what it takes to live this life, despite the pain and challenges. I need to prove I do to, I will never stop fighting for my son.

    I met you in the early 2000’s at the Turf Club in that creepy clown room, it is so funny to me that that short meeting so long ago, lead to me finding peace in this moment.

    Thank you so much for sharing your story.


    1. Wow Kate, thank you so much, that is an amazing story and filled me with so much joy! I have recorded that song on a solo record I will be releasing in December and you will get one of the 1st copies. I hope to meet Cillian someday too. My boys are 11 and 12 and they would have a great time.


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